Cost Comparison

Save costs with Halgan in-ground grease traps

Total lifetime cost is an important consideration and is often not considered at the time of purchase. Grease removal systems that seem to have a relatively inexpensive upfront cost can wind up costing more in the long run due to maintenance costs, especially when repairs lead to downtime. Choosing a grease trap when up against a deadline can be stressful, but taking the time to select the right system that will be reliable and save on costs down the line will ensure that your business continues to run smoothly and contribute to your future success.

How does the Halgan grease trap lifecycle compare to traditional concrete?

  • Halgan S-Series

    Environmentally friendly polyethene

    • Lightweight modular system
    • Easy to install, easy to move
    • Low maintenance
    • Designed to be easily serviced
    • Durable and longlasting
  • Traditional Concrete

    Antiquated concrete construction

    • Bulky heavy system
    • More difficult to install, needs special equipment to move
    • Prone to cracks and leaks
    • More difficult to service
    • Short lifespan